We compared over 1,200 kinds of water brands from around the world to find the best tasting, healthiest, clearest water imaginable

Saka Water
Better Water Starts At The Source
Perfected over thousands of years in a rare protected alkaline aquifer, Saka Water is rich in minerals and natural electrolytes. Since we start with something so perfect, our job is easy: We simply capture it in our safe bottles and deliver it to you.
Naturally pHenomenal
We don’t mess with perfection. We just bottle it. Nothing added. Nothing removed. Just great tasting natural alkaline water with 8.2 pH; rich in alkalinity, electrolytes, and mineral goodness.
It’s Inside The Bottle That Counts
Flashy bottle? Fancy label? A celebrity to hold it?
We know better. We believe it’s what’s inside the bottle that really counts and that’s where we shine the brightest.
Sip Towards a Better You
We believe a better you...starts with a better water. Take a sip in the right direction and harness the power of alkalinity and minerals to balance your diet and your life.
Great Taste is just the start
Saka’s multi-awarded great taste comes from its all natural mineral composition. It’s decidedly smooth. Nothing added or removed.
In fact, it tastes the way water should: pure, smooth and refreshing.
Activate a healthier lifestyle
Drink Saka Water everyday.
...and this is how it started.
When life hands you lemons…
I have been actively involved in the wellness industry since the late 80’s, however it wasn’t until the year 2000 when my wife started having serious kidney problems, to the point of failure that my real knowledge began.
With a young family of three boys who needed their mother more than anything, I wasn’t about to let them, or my wife down and so, unbeknown to me – my quest began.
Weeks, became months and months, turned into years. Not only did my wife’s health improve dramatically through natural remedies, but the fire in my belly was well and truly lit and I knew I needed to share the information I had gathered with as many people as I could.
Knowledge becomes wisdom…
I discovered the importance of ‘proper hydration and that water is key to every living thing – human, animal, fish, bird, tree, plant and flower – which led me to search and compare over 1247 brands of water from around the world and the beginning of Saka Water in Australia – The Best Natural Alkaline Water on the planet in Taste and Qualtiy.
Making lemonade…
Making lemonade…
I discovered the importance of ‘proper hydration’ and that water is key to every living thing – human, animal, fish, bird, tree, plant and flower – which led to the beginning of Saka Water in Australia – the best natural Alkaline water on the planet.
Fast forward to 2014 and I have been blessed to have helped thousands of people with their health challenges through SAKA Water Australia and now as the founder, director of Alkaline World I am excited to share my knowledge and wisdom through the Alkaline World community.